
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

Guys it’s been a month; a month of living in a tent, washing clothes in a bucket, and what it looks like to wholly follow God!  It’s truly felt like a fever dream and a dream that’s lasted longer than a month. My heart is truly full seeing how God has been impacting my life, and the lives around me. There has been countless tears and countless laughs. Let me be real it’s hard, it’s hard being way from some of the people I care about most and being in a position that we are constantly pushed to be raw and vulnerable in unique ways. It’s amazing that this team gets to see the best and worst parts of you and care and love you regardless. Through the happy tears and the sad tears God has stood by my side and taught me such beautiful lessons and life skills.  And through it all God is still good and worthy of all praise! Currently in flordia  doing domestic ministry, which involves home restoration and let me tell you power tools are awesome!! Thanks you for staying connected and involved.

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